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Projekt: Projekt Leisure clubu v anglickom jazyku

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Náhľady Náhľady
Full Body Deep Massage - 1 Hour
Muscle Specific applications of the standard effleurage,
petrisaage, vibration and tapotement techniques
Lower Limb Rejuvenator - 35 Minutes
Ideal Treatment as a pre-event massage to stimulate quads, hamstrings and calf’s to help prevent injury - or as part of a postevant massage to reduce stiffness and rejuvenate muscles.
Stress Buster -35 minutes
Neck, Shoulders and Back Massage. Relieve the build up of stress and tecsion, brought on by dat to day activites
Body Massage -1 hour
Body massage flushes the tissue of Lactic Acid, it increases circulation without increasing heart load. This therapy also stimulates the skin and nervous system; it reduces stress, both emotional and physical, and is suggested in a regular program for stress management.
Hot Spot - 30mins
Targeting specific areas of the body, requiring treatment to relieve muscular pain or strain, caused by vigorous activity.
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