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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: communication

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Projektov 38 | Str. 1 / 2

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
A comparison of the effect of advertising in various types of media
89,9 %
Anglický jazyk - maturita B1 - vypracované otázky
85,3 %
Arabs (english)
63,4 %
Assertiveness in business
91,1 %
Assertiveness, Assertive communication
92,5 %
Business communication
84,1 %
Communication - Komunikácia (Etymology of word communication, Forms and types of communication...)
86,5 %
Communication and Its forms
43,2 %
Communication and Its forms
45,6 %
Communication and its forms
44,5 %
Communication and Its Forms
73,9 %
Communication and its forms - maturitná otázka
70,1 %
Communication at Work
89,5 %
Communication barriers
85,3 %
Cross cultural business communication and negotiation
91,9 %
Culture and communication - seminárna práca
75,2 %
Email communication with customers (pros and cons). All this is compare to email marketing of O2.
69,5 %
Global System for Mobile Communications
78,8 %
How managers communicate (english)
74,5 %
La communication - Media
43,1 %

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