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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: communication

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Projektov 38 | Str. 1 / 2

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
World Wide Web (WWW)
74,9 %
Windows Communication Foundation
83,7 %
What is better - verbal or non-verbal communication (Opinoin essay)
80,4 %
What impact do the mass media have on modern government and politics - essay - English
71,8 %
Vypracované štátnice na Francúzsky jazyk
68,6 %
The Partnership of Integration and Reciprocity
73,3 %
The invention the most important for humanity
71,5 %
Stressed to the limit
83,2 %
Some differences between man and woman
76,3 %
Significant differences in the ways men and women communicate in business
64,4 %
Public relations
82,3 %
Power amplifiers for wireless communication systems
51,1 %
My personal view of the study
74,7 %
Možnosti využitia IKT vo výučbe fyziky
67,4 %
Maturitné témy z Anglického jazyka
71,1 %
Maturita ANJ
84,0 %
Marketingová komunikácia
57,8 %
Language policy of EU
92,6 %
La communication - Media
43,1 %
How managers communicate (english)
74,5 %

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