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Projektov 400 | Str. 18 / 20

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
The EU competition policy
67,1 %
The invention the most important for humanity
71,5 %
The Largest Environmental problems
82,2 %
The Lincoln Electric Company (Case study)
91,5 %
The Partnership of Integration and Reciprocity
73,3 %
The role of the FED in comparison with the ECB
97,8 %
The Science Of Computers
52,4 %
Thomas Newcomen
55,8 %
Thomas Newcomen
61,2 %
Total Commander
59,0 %
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...)
86,2 %
Travel - to school, to work, for a holiday
77,8 %
Tvorba www stránok a ich umiestnenie na webe
89,6 %
Types of banks (retail banks, investment banks, bonds, sotcks...)
81,5 %
Types of business companies
63,3 %
Types of computers
61,9 %
Účinky fiškálnej a monetárnej politiky v otvorenej ekonomike
69,0 %
Účtovníctvo - príklad Excel
63,3 %
Umenie a pozitívna estetika
77,9 %
Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise
84,4 %

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