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Projektov 400 | Str. 20 / 20

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Les sports et les compétitions sportives
50,3 %
Comment vivent les francaises?
48,6 %
Kalkulácia nákladov na vozidlo Škoda Octavia 1.9 TDI PD combi
48,2 %
Computer components (english)
47,6 %
Meranie snímačom rýchlosti
47,4 %
Kommunikation, Computer, Internet
46,0 %
E-commerce (english)
45,8 %
Company responsibilities
45,6 %
Communication and Its forms
45,6 %
History Of Computers
45,0 %
Communication and its forms
44,5 %
Análisis y comentario del texto
44,5 %
Norton Commander
44,0 %
Communication and Its forms
43,2 %
La communication - Media
43,1 %
Complaint letter
43,0 %
La comida
42,3 %
Santiago de Compostela
38,1 %
Company structure
36,2 %
Eu competition law
35,6 %

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