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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: company

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Projektov 56 | Str. 3 / 3

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Operational Management - Essay
76,4 %
Presentation of NIVEA
73,0 %
Presentation of underwear collection
73,3 %
Prezentácia firmy - Shark computers Inc. (english)
72,5 %
Setting up a joint stock company
74,6 %
SIBAMAC a.s. - A company profil
52,9 %
Stock market
76,1 %
Swot Analysis of the Company
59,9 %
The Boeing Company
51,4 %
The Largest Environmental problems
82,2 %
The Lincoln Electric Company (Case study)
91,5 %
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...)
86,2 %
Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise
84,4 %
Výrobkové stratégie nápoju Coca - Cola Energy firmy Coca - Cola Company
68,9 %
What qualities should have an excellent leader in a company ?
63,9 %
Zentiva (english)
61,6 %

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