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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: company

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Projektov 56 | Str. 3 / 3

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Company performance - Výkonnosť spoločnosti
80,4 %
The Largest Environmental problems
82,2 %
Manažment - role, školy, metódy...
82,2 %
Levi's - An original company for more than 150 years
82,3 %
Hawthorne and the Western Electric Company
82,4 %
Henry Ford - Otec hromadnej výroby
83,0 %
Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise
84,4 %
Marketing (Definition of marketing, History of marketing...)
84,7 %
Marketing - a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers.
85,2 %
A job advertisement - Pracovný iznerát
85,5 %
Automobilový priemysel USA
86,1 %
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...)
86,2 %
Different departments in company - Rôzne oddelenia v spoločnosti, Typy oddelení v spoločnosti
88,5 %
The Lincoln Electric Company (Case study)
91,5 %
Fundamentálna a technická analýza
92,1 %
Marketingový plán nového projektu stavebnej firmy - Marketing plan of the construction company
92,3 %

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