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Projektov 823 | Str. 4 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Orava - My native region
44,1 %
William Shakespeare (english)
44,1 %
Culture and Art
44,2 %
The Republic of Ireland
44,3 %
Family and Friends
44,6 %
Shopping + Slovná zásoba
44,6 %
Places of interest in USA
44,6 %
Young people and society
44,6 %
The UK - Way of life
44,7 %
The USA - Over the map
45,0 %
Leisure time and hobbies
45,0 %
Victorian literature
45,1 %
Curriculum vitae and covering letter
45,1 %
Jobs and professions
45,2 %
Weather, seasons of the year
45,2 %
Industrial revolution
45,3 %
Government of the Czech Republic
45,4 %
Czech republic – economy, geography, beauty spots
45,5 %
Young People and Their World
45,5 %
My Village, My Town - Prušánky
45,5 %

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