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Projektov 823 | Str. 40 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Vzor motivačného listu v angličtine
67,8 %
65,1 %
Washington D. C. - vypracovaná maturitná otázka
81,2 %
Washington Irving - legend of sleepy hollow
82,4 %
Water supply and distribution
75,6 %
We should all live until we are at least 200 years old
53,6 %
Weather in Great Britain, in the Czech Republic
48,8 %
Weather, Fauna, Flora
41,4 %
Weather, seasons of the year
45,2 %
Welcome to region Spiš - When you want something, you can find it here
81,7 %
Welding (odborný referát)
57,9 %
Whashington D.C. - referát
56,6 %
What impact do the mass media have on modern government and politics - essay - English
71,8 %
What is adventure today?
56,2 %
What is Advertising? (2 pages in english)
77,1 %
What is better - verbal or non-verbal communication (Opinoin essay)
80,4 %
What strategies can Bubo Travel utilize to both maintain and increase their market share?
91,3 %
Why do you want to study in the USA
49,9 %
Why the socialist don´t believe in fun
55,0 %
William Shakespeare (english)
44,1 %

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