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Projektov 823 | Str. 40 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Man and society (english)
43,2 %
History of the Czech republic
43,2 %
Communication and Its forms
43,2 %
Culture life
43,2 %
Health and diseases
43,2 %
The role of mass media in our life
43,2 %
Health + Slovná zásoba
43,1 %
Housing and Home
43,1 %
The European Union
43,1 %
Complaint letter
43,0 %
Film review (Forrest Gump)
43,0 %
Crime and punishment
42,9 %
Human’s manners
42,8 %
Travelling and turism
42,8 %
Mass media
42,6 %
Prague - hundred tower mother of towns
42,6 %
Modern English literature
42,6 %
Our School
42,6 %
Canada (english)
42,4 %
School and Study
42,4 %

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