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Projektov 823 | Str. 41 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Alexander Graham Bell - biography
57,8 %
Al Capone
63,4 %
Ako písať listy
66,3 %
Airport security
47,9 %
Air Condition
57,8 %
AIDS report (english)
53,5 %
Aerial transportation in Slovakia
66,9 %
Advice to lose weight
70,8 %
Advertising, Products, Market structure, Marketing and takeovers vocabulary
89,8 %
Advertising and Reality
51,5 %
Advertising and effect to children
53,7 %
Advertising - seminárna práca z anglického jazyka
77,1 %
Advertising - práca v angličtine
84,3 %
Advertising - positive and negative
71,1 %
Actions speak louder than words
63,4 %
Acient cultures (4000-500 BC)
78,1 %
Accent and dialect
69,7 %
ABC Company Ltd. - report
63,0 %
A job advertisement - Pracovný iznerát
85,5 %
A discussion (english)
59,5 %

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