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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: business

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Projektov 125 | Str. 6 / 7

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Príručka Visteon Business Operating System
93,7 %
Proposal - seminárna práca
62,8 %
Reccomendations to a foreign manager coming to Slovakia
87,3 %
SAP Business One
78,4 %
Seminárna práca - Facility management
86,7 %
Setting up a business
37,3 %
Shopping and services (maturitná téma)
70,8 %
Significant differences in the ways men and women communicate in business
64,4 %
Skriptum k Anglickému jazyku pre manažérov - First Insights into Business
82,0 %
Slovník - Market leader elementary
76,2 %
Spoločenský a diplomatický protokol- elektronické skriptá
92,3 %
Successful business icons (world and Slovak personalities in business)
79,8 %
Techniky modelování a optimalizace podnikových procesu
84,6 %
The Business Cycle
64,7 %
The Disadvantages of Protectionism affect All Exporting Nations Similarly
88,6 %
Tips for successful business
82,8 %
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...)
86,2 %
Types of business companies
63,3 %
Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise
84,4 %
Vypracované otázky z predmetu Controling
87,3 %

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