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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Economy

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Projektov 20 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Australia - Geography, Climate, Political system, Economy
48,6 %
Austrália (english)
62,2 %
Canada - country characteristic
56,3 %
Canada - Geography, Climate, Economy, Political system
48,1 %
Czech republic – economy, geography, beauty spots
45,5 %
English for business studies
74,4 %
European economic area
63,1 %
72,5 %
How to start business in Latvia
77,2 %
K otázkam rozvoja osobnosti vysokoškoláka v procese humanizácie technologického vzdelávania
76,9 %
Measuring the Economy, Economies of Scale
57,3 %
New Zealand - Geography, Climate, Economy
47,5 %
Our Country - the Slovak Republic and Bratislava
78,7 %
Poster - Hybrid Engines
67,5 %
The Czech Republic - Geography, Climate, Economy, Prague
53,6 %
The Disadvantages of Protectionism affect All Exporting Nations Similarly
88,6 %
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
76,5 %
Three sectors of economy
51,4 %
Unemployment- seminárna práca
75,9 %
What is Advertising? (2 pages in english)
77,1 %

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