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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: History

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Projektov 48 | Str. 1 / 3

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Yellow journalism
53,9 %
The USA - Famous events in American history
49,1 %
The UK - Famous events in its history
50,8 %
The role of the FED in comparison with the ECB
97,8 %
The history of money
42,2 %
The history of Britain in Brief
41,5 %
The economics of climate change
69,3 %
The American Journey
62,9 %
The airplane
71,4 %
Systems of human´s organs
73,0 %
Referát - My family
72,2 %
Reccomendations to a foreign manager coming to Slovakia
87,3 %
Práca historika
77,8 %
Political system of Romania
70,9 %
Political system of Czech republic
80,2 %
My Native Town
70,3 %
Microwave oven
73,8 %
Marketing (Definition of marketing, History of marketing...)
84,7 %
Konflik v Severnom Írsku
76,0 %
Implementácia eura na Slovensku
93,5 %

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