Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: business
Projektov 126 | Str. 1 / 7
Uni / Názov projektu |
Kvalita |
Willkommen im Business Location Center |
76,9 % |
What strategies can Bubo Travel utilize to both maintain and increase their market share? |
91,3 % |
What qualities should have an excellent leader in a company ? |
63,9 % |
Využitie a rastúci význam predaja cez internet |
99,4 % |
Vysvetlite význam dlhodobých vzťahov so zákazníkmi v oblasti e-businessu. |
68,6 % |
Vypracované otázky z predmetu Controling |
87,3 % |
Usage of e-commerce in business enterprise |
84,4 % |
Types of business companies |
63,3 % |
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...) |
86,2 % |
Tips for successful business |
82,8 % |
The Disadvantages of Protectionism affect All Exporting Nations Similarly |
88,6 % |
The Business Cycle |
64,7 % |
Techniky modelování a optimalizace podnikových procesu |
84,6 % |
Successful business icons (world and Slovak personalities in business) |
79,8 % |
Spoločenský a diplomatický protokol- elektronické skriptá |
92,3 % |
Slovník - Market leader elementary |
76,2 % |
Skriptum k Anglickému jazyku pre manažérov - First Insights into Business |
82,0 % |
Significant differences in the ways men and women communicate in business |
64,4 % |
Shopping and services (maturitná téma) |
70,8 % |
Setting up a business |
37,3 % |