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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: language

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Projektov 30 | Str. 1 / 2

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
William Shakespeare - Romeo and Juliet
76,2 %
What is better - verbal or non-verbal communication (Opinoin essay)
80,4 %
Tvorba www stránok a ich umiestnenie na webe
89,6 %
Tibet is an occupied country
76,5 %
The Countries Whose Language I am Learning - English speaking countries
83,6 %
The Countries Whose Language I Am Learning
51,8 %
Reč tela
82,8 %
Prostriedky pre podporu výučby predmetu ASP1
93,9 %
Popis a implementácia jazyka VHDL
82,7 %
Lisabonská zmluva a jazyky v EÚ - Common european framework for languages and its role from the Lisbon strategy perspective
92,3 %
Linguistic characterology / characteristics
95,1 %
Learning foreign languages
49,2 %
Language policy of EU
92,6 %
Language Leader Upper-Intermediate
75,6 %
Language Leader - Upper Intermediate - Students Book
73,6 %
HTML - HyperText Markup Language
52,7 %
History of Slovakia
62,6 %
History of Object-oriented programing languages
81,4 %
Formal vs Informal Language
56,9 %
English language mid-semester test2
80,7 %

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