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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: what

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Projektov 14 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
What was the impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War? (Dôsledky Kubánskej krízy na Studenú vojnu)
74,4 %
What strategies can Bubo Travel utilize to both maintain and increase their market share?
91,3 %
What qualities should have an excellent leader in a company ?
63,9 %
What Is Economics?
67,8 %
What is better - verbal or non-verbal communication (Opinoin essay)
80,4 %
What is Advertising? (2 pages in english)
77,1 %
What is adventure today?
56,2 %
What impact do the mass media have on modern government and politics - essay - English
71,8 %
Trading companies (Topic of project, What is a business, What is a register of companies...)
86,2 %
Priemyselná bezpečnosť - vypracované otázky ku skúške
90,8 %
Poznatkovo založená ekonomika
79,8 %
Microsoft’s antitrust trials: What was really going on in the trial of the century?
92,4 %
Medzinárodný obchod - what is what, who is who
58,4 %
Assertiveness in business
91,1 %

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