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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: America

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Projektov 28 | Str. 1 / 2

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Severoamerická dohoda o voľnom obchode NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement)
95,9 %
Severoamerická dohoda o voľnom obchode
94,0 %
T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
92,0 %
Culture (language, symbolism, religion, traditions, customs in Slovakia/America, cuisine)
90,3 %
North American Free Trade Area - NAFTA
88,9 %
Charakteristika kontroly - manažment
83,1 %
T. S. Eliot - The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock
82,7 %
Jean Baudrillard - America
74,8 %
The United States of America
72,1 %
Anglický jazyk D - prednášky
70,6 %
America should enter World War I
70,5 %
Management Américain
70,1 %
Central European Perceptions of Americans
69,9 %
British, Slovak and American system of goverment
65,1 %
Trail of Tears
64,6 %
The American Journey
62,9 %
North American Free Trade Agreement
60,4 %
Ciudades de la America Latina y otros lugares interesantes
54,9 %
The USA - Outstanding American presidents
50,0 %
British and American holidays and festivals
49,1 %

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