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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Analysis

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Projektov 23 | Str. 1 / 2

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Identification and Analysis of Drawings Techniques
95,4 %
MMPVE zadania (Matematické metódy plánovania a vyhodnocovania experimentu) - Normálne rozdelenie, Vybrané (Rovnomerné, Poissonovo, Binomické) rozdelenie, Lineárna regresia, DOE
94,5 %
SWOT analysis of College of Tourism
92,6 %
T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
92,0 %
What strategies can Bubo Travel utilize to both maintain and increase their market share?
91,3 %
Managing the new product development proces - Marketing v AJ
89,3 %
Marketing - a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers.
85,2 %
Measure the influence of human capital accumulated abroad
84,6 %
Písomná práca k modulu Business English
84,3 %
Analýza - Failure mode and effect analysis
83,2 %
Magický cenový trojuholník. Cenová politika firmy. Interné a externé faktory ovplyvňujúce rozhodovanie o cenách. Všeobecné prístupy k určovaniu cien.
82,8 %
T. S. Eliot - The Love song of J. Alfred Prufrock
82,7 %
Brand Analysis of Kia
81,5 %
Metóda FMEA (Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)
77,1 %
Marketing destinations of Cyprus and number of their visitors
69,2 %
Aplikácia metódy FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis)
67,4 %
Break even analysis
67,0 %
Marketing destinations of the Cyprus and the number of their visitors
63,5 %
Business Financial Analysis - FEAP 1
62,3 %
An Analysis of Differences in Work Motivation between Public and Private Sector Organizations
60,4 %

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