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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: Society

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Projektov 15 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Language policy of EU
92,6 %
Cross cultural business communication and negotiation
91,9 %
A Multicultural Society - Living in a cosmopolitan city
85,1 %
Young People and Their World
82,3 %
Charles Horton Cooley
77,6 %
Shopping and services
73,5 %
Multicultural Society
73,0 %
Culture and the Arts
72,1 %
Robert Edwin Peary - prvý človek na Severnom póle
71,4 %
The Greenhouse effects and Society
68,1 %
Legal profession in England
53,0 %
Multicultural Society
45,9 %
Young people and society
44,6 %
Man and Society
43,6 %
Man and society (english)
43,2 %

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