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Výsledky vyhľadávania pre: industry

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Projektov 10 | Str. 1 / 1

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Comparasion of the aftermarket car parts and original car parts and their market in Slovakia
100,0 %
Reccomendations to a foreign manager coming to Slovakia
87,3 %
Ambitious financial and qualitative targets of Skanska
85,8 %
Referáty z exkurzií - Teória výrobných technológií
85,8 %
Measure the influence of human capital accumulated abroad
84,6 %
Our Country - the Slovak Republic and Bratislava
78,7 %
Materials Science and Engineering
73,0 %
Coutries and Their Competitiveness
72,1 %
Nemecká ekonomika - prezentácia v anglickom jazyku
71,4 %
Coutries and Their Competitiveness
67,8 %

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