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Semestrálna práca: Business plan - pizzeria

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Executive Summary
This business plan was designed for the purpose of getting a bank loan. In next eight parts a new-founded pizzeria will be introduced. We will investigate opportunities on the market, what for competition is on this market, how we worked out our strategy and what for finance do we need.
Family Pizzeria is a new player in the restaurant industry. This pizzeria is in familiar, small town - Kysucké Nové Mesto - that has a strong need for additional dinning options. It is prepared to fulfill a market niche that exists in this town.
This facility is offering a menu that does not currently exist in this area. It is the first restaurant offering home delivery too.

1. What is company going to do
Family Pizzeria will be established as a limited liability company with the 2 sole owners - Peter Šťastný and Tatiana Bezáková.
A high quality pizza will be offered for growing population in Kysucké Nové Mesto. Citizens of this town have a limited variability for eating out. An innovation is included: delivery service that you can use for your nice evening at home without cooking.
At start up we will be opened for dinner 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. Monday - Thursday and 3 p.m. to 11 p.m. Friday - Sunday. If there is a demand we will consider opening earlier and serving lunch too.
Four sizes of pizzas will be included in our menu, with various side-dishes. The offer of another food can be expanded, when there is a demand.
The objectives that should be realized in next 3 years:
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