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Seminárna práca: Higher education in Slovakia

Skryť detaily | Obľúbený
The higher education traditions at the territory of Slovakia date back to the 9th century AD, at the educational basis in Nitra, being formed under the leadership of Byzantine St. Methodius and later on St. Gozard, the first Slovak scholar, presently conceived as a Rector.
The first university at the territory of Slovakia, the Academia Istropolitana, was established in Bratislava in 1465; the University of Trnava which was of great significance for development of education in the whole region, was founded in 1635, the University of Košice in 1657. ...

A bank is an institution that provides financial service, particularly taking deposits and extending credit.
Currently the term bank is generally understood as an institution that holds a banking license....
Kľúčové slová:

higher education


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