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Skriptá: Potasch - Sekundárne okruhy otázok na ústnu skúšku

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1. Introducing law
A simpler definition is that law is a set of rules. These rules become law when they are recognised by the majority of the people in a country and given government backing to enforce them in the country as a whole, in other words recognised and applied by the state".

There are people who believe there should be no laws at all. These people are called anarchists, but it is difficult to imagine how any society would operate without at least some rules. When dealing with law - the term morality should be also looked at. What is the relationship between law and morality? In many areas of law, there will be an overlap between the legal regulations and the rules set forth by morality. The main problem with morality and fairness is that people in societies have different views of what is right and what is fair. This is one of the reasons why laws are different in different countries...
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