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Referát: Economic recession

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Economic recession can be defined differently by different economists and for different countries.
A recession is a contraction phase of the bussiness cycle or „a period of reduced economic activity“
and it can be shorter than a depression, during which there is a decline in economic trade and prosperity.
I think that the most important effects of recession could be :

1, unemployment: it could occur when a person is available to work and currently seeking work, but the person is without work, e.g. If economic recession is actual, than our firm, where we work, could „sack“workers.

2, reduced sales

3, a stock market crash: it is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market. Crashes could be driven by panic as much as by underlying economic faktors. They often follow speculative stock market bubbles.

4, deflation: in economics is a persistent decrease in the general price level of goods and services below zero percent inflation.

5, prices fall: mainly realty
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