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Referát: International Airports in Slovakia

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Letisko M. R. Štefánika - Airport Bratislava, a.s.

The biggest and the most important Slovak airport which overlies near to village Ivanka pri Dunaji only a few kilometers from the centre of Bratislava. To incline area belong towns like Trnava, Nitra, but also Vienna, Brno and Gyor. The airport have special convenient ambient conditions and advantageous position in central-european region.

The aircrafts of domestic and foreing companies are flying to the destnation like London, Paris, Munich, Košice, Prague, Amsterdam, Zurich or Milan every day. The airport Bratislava has regular air connection with other european metropolis like Rome, Brusel, Moscow, Warsaw, Kodan or Birmingham, too. The planes are flying without transmission to the Indies and to Near East, too.
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