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Referát: Pre-nuptial Agreement and Marital Charter

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The topic I have opted for deals with marital agreement and its two basic types: Pre-nuptial Agreement and Marital Charter. I have chosen this particular topic because I find it very interesting and valuable. This area of legislature is becoming more and more topical, and since I have not had much chance to study it closely I do not know as much as I would like to. The issues it involves are not merely legal but also ethical and personal. The topic of nuptial law is still a bit sensitive area among the Czech people. The Communist rule deprived all the rich people of their wealth therefore to have a pre-nuptial agreement seemed a bit pointless. Nowadays, “nouveaux riches” emerges and thus the topic of marital agreements aims at them and their children, and becomes more important. By reading the article on marital contracts I would like to explore their drawbacks and highlights, and examine the problematic deeper. I did not know about the two types of marital agreements that are possible abroad, therefore it might be a useful knowledge to those who plan to marry outside the Czech Republic. This particular topic can be crucial to all who accumulated or inherited huge assets and are afraid of losing them via a bad marriage. It can also be useful to those who wish to marry abroad since this arrangement is a rather common practice there. Czech spouse-to-be might be taken aback by it, if she/he would not know about it in advance. I, personally, believe that pre-nuptial agreements will become more common in this country as well.
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