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Semestrálna práca: How managers communicate (english)

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The anthropologist, Mary Catherine Bateson, said “... there are few things as toxic as a bad metaphor.” The Arrow and Circuit approaches mask the complexity of the communication process. Managers who view communication as a dance have a more vivid metaphor with which to analyze organizational situations. They see the complexities in the apparent simplicity of communication. They are concerned with patterns and unwritten rules. They look at the degree of co-orientation between employees as well as departments. They do not expect to be understood at all times and do not always see understanding as the goal of communication. Their communication style and choice of medium vary according to the goals and context. Unlike Circuit managers, they are not exclusively concerned with relationships. Unlike Arrow managers, they are not solely focused on immediate results, but seek deeper patterns of sustained success. They do not share the Arrow manager’s belief that humans are basically lazy but neither do they believe that all humans are well intentioned. Finally, they take comfort in the fact that there appears to be no relationship between their ability to communicate and their ability to dance...
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