The general meaning of E-commerce is online trading. It is the way one does his business. More specifically it is a “general concept covering any form of business
transaction or information exchange between organizations of various types, public administration and customers, using information and communications technology which promises to dramatically alter the structure and processes of commerce.”1 To provide business online means that company can expands its market boundary and thus rise efficiency, competitiveness and profitability. Firstly there is a great need for installing proper infrastructure that would support it. E-commerce is kind of subset of E-services, that is divided into E-commerce and E-business. While E-commerce could be understood as trading online, E-business represent just the same, only it is enriched of communication tools. There is a specific language for E-services called E-Speak - a language similar to html format. For the main support of E-commerce is considered E-banking – thanks to necessity to pay for things bought online.