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Referát: Czech republic – economy, geography, beauty spots

Skryť detaily | Obľúbený
  • Kvalita:45,5 %
  • Typ:Referát
  • Kategória:Jazyky
  • Podkategória:Angličtina
  • Autor:zadsemuser
  • Rozsah A4:2 strán
  • Zobrazené:313 x
  • Stiahnuté:0 x
  • Veľkosť:0,1 MB
  • Formát a prípona:MS Office Word (.doc)
  • Jazyk:anglický
  • ID projektu:33181
  • Posledna úprava:13.05.2010
The Czech Republic is a small country in Central Europe and that's why we call it „the heart of Europe“. It has a population of about 10 million inhabitants and occupies an area of about 79000sq km.
The CR consists of three parts: Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia. Our republic has four neighbours - Germany on the west, Poland on the north, Slovakia on the east and Austria on the south.
Kľúčové slová:

Czech republic

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