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Referát: Food - Food as a topic, Drinking

Skryť detaily | Obľúbený
  • Kvalita:49,2 %
  • Typ:Referát
  • Kategória:Jazyky
  • Podkategória:Angličtina
  • Autor:zadsemuser
  • Rozsah A4:2 strán
  • Zobrazené:324 x
  • Stiahnuté:1 x
  • Veľkosť:0,1 MB
  • Formát a prípona:MS Office Word (.doc)
  • Jazyk:anglický
  • ID projektu:33211
  • Posledna úprava:13.05.2010
Food as a topic is very frequent in over the world, especially among women who often cook, give recipes and advices to their friends how to cook delicious meals. People need to eat to stay alive. Experts say we should eat four or five times a day in small portions. People in the world in general eat three meals a day: a light breakfast, dinner or lunch (the main meal) and supper.

In the morning people usually eat a slice of bread with butter and cheese or ham, or toast with jam. It is very frequent type of breakfast. Some people drink on breakfast one or two couples of coffee to wake themselves up (na prebudenie), or one or two couples tea with lemon. Breakfast is base (základ) of all day. Breakfast is very important for people. Breakfast is served around 6.00 a.m. to 8.00 a.m.
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Food as a topic


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