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Referát: Writing techniques

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  • Kvalita:62,1 %
  • Typ:Referát
  • Kategória:Jazyky
  • Podkategória:Angličtina
  • Rozsah A4:3 strán
  • Zobrazené:563 x
  • Stiahnuté:0 x
  • Veľkosť:0,1 MB
  • Formát a prípona:MS Office Word (.doc)
  • Jazyk:anglický
  • ID projektu:3552
  • Posledna úprava:19.04.2017
Náhľady Náhľady
We usually divide them into two types: first-person narratives which are written in the first person ( I,we ) and third-person narratives which are done in the third person.
While the formes are series of events, real or imaginary, which happened to us, the latter are real or imaginary stories about another person or other people. Both of them should consist of:
An introduction - setting the scene (who, time, place). You should write it in an interesting way if you want the reader to continue reading, e.g. describe the weather, atmosphere, surroundings or people´s actions to create mystery.
A main story - developing the story which means presenting detailed description of the events in the order they happened
A conclusion - ending the story, referring to people´s feelings, final comments or reactions
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