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Analýza: Anthrax Attacks in 2001

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Opis a analýza antraxových útokov v USA, ich dopad pre verejnosť, reakcie médií na tieto útoky. Reakcia a postoj verejnosti. Anglický jazyk! 18 zdrojov. Kvalitná práca!

Anthrax is a serious disease caused by Bacillus anthracis, a bacterium that forms spores. Anhtrax is not known to spread from one person to another. People become infected by anthrax by handling products from infected animals. Anthrax infection can take one of three forms – skin (cutaneous), lungs (inhalation) and digestive (gastrointestinal). In the case of anthrax attacks from 2001 we can talk about using anthrax as a weapon of bioterrorism.
Kľúčové slová:


antraxové útoky

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