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Štátnicové otázky: Produkčný proces náklady. Krátky a dlhý časový horizont. Produkčné faktory. Minimalizácia nákladov

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Produkčný proces náklady. Krátky a dlhý časový horizont. Produkčné faktory. Minimalizácia nákladov.

1. PRODUCTION FUNCTION summarizes technology available for converting inputs into output.
mathematically : Q = F ( K, L )

• measures of productivity :
1. TOTAL PRODUCT - maximum level of output that can be produced with given input usage
2. AVERAGE PRODUCT - total product divided by the quantity used of the input ; AP lab = Q / L
3. MARGINAL PRODUCT of an input is the change in total output attributable to the last unit of an input ; MP lab = ∆ Q / ∆ L = ∂ Q / ∂ L
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