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Skriptá: English for Business Studies - Teacher´s Book (MacKenzie Ian)

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English for Business Studies je učebnica pre upper-intermediate and advanced študentov, ktorí potrebujú porozumieť a hovoriť o kľúčových pojmoch z oblasti podnikania a ekonomiky.
English for Business Studies is an upper-intermediate to advanced level reading, listening, speaking and writing course (Common European Framework for Languages levels B2-C2) for learners who need to understand and express the the key concepts of business and economics in English. It covers the most important areas of management, production, marketing, finance and macroeconomics.
It consists of a Student´s Book, two Audio CDs and this Teacher´sBook. The Student´s Book contains 28 units, role cards, audio scripts of listening material, and appendices on presenting and writing. This Teacher´s Book contains guidance on using the material, commentaries on the business concepts presented, answers to the exercises, and the audio scipts.
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