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Referát: Working adaptation (Pracovná adaptácia)

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Characteristic of working adaptation
Working adaptation is process from education of employees, acquaintance of employees with colleagues to testing of employees in all areas. It is testing of knowledges of employees during education process.
Phases of working adaptation
1. Acquaintance of employees with work ( working adaptation)
2. Creation of mutual cooperation with other colleagues ( social adaptation)
3. Creation of sense of belonging to company from site of employees ( adaptation for organisation structure
Functions of adaptation process from site of employees
1. Induction of sense of importance and usefulness of employees
2. Initial training of employees
3. Adaptation of employees
4. Doing better transaction of employees in future
Motivate factors of adaptable process
Internal factors
Internal factors are factors where employee has got the most important role. Employee has to tackle with adaptable process and employee has to use to for labour position.
External factors
External factor are factors where tutor has got the most important role. Tutor has to use to for employee.
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