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Referát: Labour right (Pracovné právo)

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Labour right

Characteristics of employment
Employment is a labour contract between employee and employer. This employment arises with agreement between employee and employer.
Participants of employment
A) Employees
Duty of employees is observing of employer´s directions. Employees should get a wage from employer. This wage should be dependent from output of employee.
B) Employers
Employer is a person which employees one and more people. Employers should give a wage to their employees. Right of employers is an observing of directions from site of employees.
Other duties of employees
1. Employees should be active during working time.
2. Employees should protect a property of company.
3. Employees should not afford a company´s presents.
4. Employees should not speak about working activity to other people.
Other duties of employers
1. Employers should control employees.
2. Employers should pay a wage to their employees every month.
3. Employers should create a safe labour conditions.
4. Employers should create a conditions for education of employees.
5. Employers should create a labour discipline
6. Employers can appreciate to your employees.
7. Property of employer should be protected.
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