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Referát: Seminárna práca v angličtine - Managers and management

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Managers work in organisations. Before we can identify, who managers are, I will first clarify what does the term organisation mean.
An organisation is a systematic arrangement of pople to accomplish some specififc purpose. All organisations share three common characteristics:
First, each organisation has a distinct purpose. This purpose is typically expressed in terms of goal or set of goals. Second, each organisation is composed of people. Third, all organisations develop a systematic structure that defines and limits the behavior of its members. This includes, for example creating rules and regulations, identifying some members as „bosses“ and giving them authority over other members, or writing up job desriptions so that members know what they are supposed to do. The term organisation refers to an entity that has a distinct purpose, includes people or members, and has a systematic structure.

Managers work in organisations, but not everyone in an organisation is a manager. We can divide organizational members into two categories: operatives or managers. Operatives are people who work directly on a job or task and have no responsibility for overseeing the work of others. Managers direct the activities of other people. We typically clasify managers as either first-line, middle, or top managers.
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