Revolutionary period (1765-1810): 1. Revolution (1765-1783) 2. Foundation of union (1783-1810) - reason for revolution was independence and reason for independence was paying taxes to British administration and Britain made decision about country: “No taxation without representation.” - protest - Boston Tea Party - The hard fought American Revolution against Britain (1775-1783) was the first modern war of liberation against a colonial power. Revolutionary period brings new features into American thinking, helps the Americans to constitute their rules of government and living and helps to create also new type of literature. The 18th century became very important for Amer. political and also cultural life - a period when every paper is published - independent publishers, America had their own newspapers, periodical, magazines. - the 18th century is represented by men whose contribution was decisive for the development of Amer. life, namely for the constitution of the US. People who represent cultural contribution are simultaneously people whose contribution was decisive in politics. - 3 important names: THOMAS JEFFERSON - 3rd Amer. president BENJAMIN FRANKLIN THOMAS PAINE