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Projektov 823 | Str. 3 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
The role of mass media in our life
43,2 %
Man and society (english)
43,2 %
History of the Czech republic
43,2 %
Man and Nature
43,3 %
The Book - a Person’s Friend
43,3 %
Food and Meals
43,3 %
New York and Washington
43,5 %
Books (english)
43,5 %
My School
43,5 %
Jobs and occupations
43,6 %
Man and Society
43,6 %
Great personality
43,7 %
Hobbies and interests
43,8 %
Health Service
43,8 %
The UK - England and Wales
43,8 %
Masmedia Glossary
43,9 %
Towns and Places
43,9 %
Wonders of the world
44,0 %
44,0 %
44,1 %

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