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Projektov 823 | Str. 41 / 42

Uni / Názov projektu Kvalita
Culture (language, symbolism, religion, traditions, customs in Slovakia/America, cuisine)
90,3 %
International terrorism and related concepts
90,6 %
Assertiveness in business
91,1 %
English for Business studies - key
91,2 %
Anglický jazyk - Vypracované maturitné témy
91,2 %
What strategies can Bubo Travel utilize to both maintain and increase their market share?
91,3 %
English for business studies - Teachers book
91,4 %
Vypracované maturitné témy z anglického jazyka
91,7 %
English Conditionals - Podmienkové vety v angličtine
91,8 %
T. S. Eliot - The Waste Land
92,0 %
Prospects of the European Social Capital Development
92,3 %
Lisabonská zmluva a jazyky v EÚ - Common european framework for languages and its role from the Lisbon strategy perspective
92,3 %
Vypracované témy na skúšku unicert B2 z anglického jazyka
92,3 %
Projekt na Unicert C1 - Trade policy in the EU in 2013
92,3 %
Microsoft’s antitrust trials: What was really going on in the trial of the century?
92,4 %
Convention on the rights of the child + Terminology of legal english
93,9 %
Anglický jazyk (27 vypracovaných maturitných tém)
94,2 %
Slovakia´s accession to the EU and its impact on the current socio-economic development
94,5 %
Ethical journalism - Code of Conduct for the News and Editorial Departments
94,6 %
Linguistic characterology / characteristics
95,1 %

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