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Slohová práca: Deti a ich vzťah ku knihám - úvaha v anglickom jazyku so slovenským prekladom

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* Children and her relations to books *

In comparison with the passive consuption of TV culture, reading is highly active hobby. Reading is another source of knowledge, education and culture. What is my opinion? I think, that books are very important in our life. Why is reading for uns so important? A book answers a whole series of our question. A book, however, poses new question. My life would be unthinkable without books. People, who read books, are accourding me ideals creatures. In nowdays is many possibilities for young people, which can give them knowledge. The books can give humans a lot of. For example? During our life we meet both fiction and nonfiction. People are different. Sometimes people read for pleasure a they usually pick up a book of fiction, such a novels (science fiction, westerns, travel books, thrillers, crime fiction, psychological and historical novels, advanture tales, love stories) short stories and tales or poetry. If we need actual information, it is good to have various dictionares, encyclopedias, technical and scientific literature, atlases, textbooks, biographies, autobiographies and history and art books.
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