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Referát: Better life

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Many people want to change their lives for the better. It seems that the majority of individuals are unhappy with some aspect of how they are living. Perhaps they would like to lose some weight. Some want to improve their relationships. And others want a successful career path….
What we can do for our better life? Possible ways are:
1. Think positively:
But how do we think positively when situation is bad? Coping with this situation is not easy,..Our brain tend to lock in memories, when we had strong negative emotions (for example- failures in school, or time, when we were completely embarrassed,..). That prevent us from taking risks we need to be successful. But we had many successes, too. Wherefor, we should write one or more successes and log it into our long-term memory. And we can look back on our life and be pleased of all of them always, when we are having a bad day. If you think you are going to fail at something, then you probably will. We must believe that we manage it.
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