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Esej: What is better - verbal or non-verbal communication (Opinoin essay)

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Human beings use their language to communicate. We use mainly verbal communication, we use our language. Language is the most important means of communication. On the other hand we use non-verbal communication too. It is a very important part of people´s lives.Why and how do we communicate?
Verbal communication is really very necassary for people because we can express our feeling, thinking, thoughts by words. It is a way how to explain what we need, want or are doing. You can recognize the other person by its voice. Every person has its own voice and tempo of speaking. When you are talking to someone, you can hear not just his or her voice but you can also hear if she or he is in stress or in a good mood.You can hear an intonation of people. By the word we can express really a lot. We can write songs, lyrics, stories. I think this type of communication has a lot of disadvantages.
The disadvantage is that there are a lot of spoken languages in the world like German, French, English .... If we talk to a foreigner we do not understand each other everything and that is why we sometimes use our hands and movements.
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