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Seminárna práca: Business and the environment - Biznis a životné prostredie

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In current society, people prefer their own convenience over a healthy environment. But all the things which improve our life (like cars, modern equipment, houses…) pollute nature and damage the environment.

Crisis of our time is very serious, but each individual can help the environment making changes in their daily life.

Types of pollution:

1. Air pollution
- The biggest problem in big cities where lot of industrial production is concentrated
→ Car exhausts: they react with sunlight and create smog
→ smoke and dust: contain nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide produced by power stations → they mix with water vapour in the atmosphere and fall down as a acid rain and snow destroyed the trees (trees created oxygen)
→ Greenhouse effect: carbon dioxide in atmosphere trap the sun’s heat and don’t let it escape → the temperature will rise, the snow will melt (global warming) → floods
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