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Vypracované otázky: Marketing - a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers.

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Marketing is a process of developing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy the needs of customers. It combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion and so on.

Before we start to produce a new product or service, we have to do a market research. It involves collecting and analysing information about the target market. Then we can easily decide what to produce and also how to persuade our potencional customers to buy our products or services.

We distinguish two types of market research:

1. Field research
It is a research that is done in a real, natural enviroment - for example by interviewing people
2. Desk research
This research is done by reading what has already bee writen about a subject. Internal sources

There are 4 main groups of sources of information for market research:
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