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Referát: Different departments in company - Rôzne oddelenia v spoločnosti, Typy oddelení v spoločnosti

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Key words:

Department is a division of a business specializing in a particular product or service.
Company is an organization which sells goods or services in order to make money.
Human resource is the department of an organization that deals with finding new employees, keeping records about all the organization's employees, and helping them with any problems.

Human Resources (HR) - personnel department, department which manages the administrative aspects of the employees.
Catering Services - department which provides foods and services.
Waste Management - department involved in the management of the collection, recovery and disposal of wastes, including options for waste reduction.
Occupational Health and Safety - department which creates a safe environment for employees, contractors, customers and visitors to company facilities; as well as encouraging a healthy lifestyle and promoting public health amongst the people that the company affects.
Plant Security - department responsible for the security of the institutions property and workers
Fire Department - a department whose purpose is preventing and putting out fires
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