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Seminárna práca: The Sun - British Daily Newspaper

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  • Kvalita:73,9 %
  • Typ:Seminárna práca
  • Kategória:Jazyky
  • Podkategória:Angličtina
  • Predmet:Anglický jazyk 4
  • Ročník:2. ročník
  • Rozsah A4:21 strán
  • Zobrazené:827 x
  • Stiahnuté:1 x
  • Veľkosť:0,1 MB
  • Formát a prípona:MS Office Word (.doc)
  • Jazyk:anglický
  • ID projektu:18378
  • Posledna úprava:13.01.2009
All newspapers in Britain, daily or Sunday ones, can broadly he divided into the quality press and the popular press. The quality newspapers are also known as “heavies” and they usually deal with home and overseas news, with detailed and extensive coverage of sports and cultural events. Besides they also carry financial reports, travel news and book and film reviews.
The popular press or the “populars” are also known as tabloids as they are smaller in size being halfsheet in format. Some people also call them the “gutter press” offering news for the people less interested in daily detailed news reports. They are characterised by large headlines, carry a lot of big photographs, concentrate on the personal aspects of news, with reports of the recent sensational and juicy bits of events, not excluding the Royal family. The language of a tabloid is much more colloquial, if not specific, than that of quality newspapers.
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