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Maturitné otázky: Family, Home, Relatives - Angličtina

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všetky maturitné otázky z anglického jazyka:

1.Family, Home, Relatives !!!

A ,,family,, consists of people who are soccially-related to one another. Family usually
consists of parents (mother or father) and their children.
-If two people (normaly man & woman) are legally married, we say that they live in
,,MARRIAGE,, (they have wedding rings, a woman has the same surename as her husband....).
-But if two people are living together and raise their children without being legally
married – they live in a COHABITATION – it´s very popular especially between young people.

There are some types of families:

1.The Nuclear (Basic, Normal) Family: every body wants to live in this type of family.
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