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Referát: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

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The UK is a country, which is situated on two main islands /ostrovy/:
• Great Britain
• Ireland

Great Britain consists of these countries:
- England – the capital city = London
- Scotland – the capital city = Edinburgh
- Wales – the capital city = Cardiff
- Northern Ireland – the capital city = Belfast

Its area is 244 872 km2 /square kilometers/ and the population is about 59 mil. inhabitants. The capital city is London and the currency is 1 GBP /1 British pound/. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and the head of the state is the Queen Elizabeth II. The head of the government is the Prime minister – it is Tony Blair now.
The country has a mild and rainy climate. The most important river is the Thames /Temža/ and the longest river is the Severn...
Kľúčové slová:

United Kingdom

Great Britain


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